5 Steps to Increase Employee Engagement

Effective employee engagement is a cornerstone of any thriving business. The commitment and enthusiasm of employees typically correlates with greater efficiency and productivity, which ultimately leads to building a strong brand image and gaining recognition among customers. They also tend to stay, which is beneficial to the business because it implies less turnover and long business continuity. Employee involvement can be hard to maintain but also has numerous advantages. Employers must create a motivating workplace and must make a concerted effort in this direction by providing for consistent communication, rewards and recognition, career advancement possibilities, and strong leadership.

This article will discuss five strategies that companies can implement to create a positive work atmosphere and inspire employee engagement. Employers may boost staff enthusiasm and morale by adopting these proven techniques.

1. Implement Strengths-Based Approach

Finding and using an employee’s particular set of skills and talents is central to the strengths-based strategy for increasing both motivation and contentment in the work. These are some examples of how businesses might adopt a strengths-based strategy:

  • Assessments and surveys are necessary to identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees. Employers can use interviews, questionnaires, and tests to evaluate their workers. This data helps employers understand and utilize employees more effectively;
  • Opportunities to utilize strengths should be made available to employees, and employees should be given assignments that play to their individual skill sets. Employees’ happiness, motivation, and output may all increase as a result.

Employers must recognize the difficulties associated with adopting a strengths-based approach. One major challenge is the insufficient resources for evaluating or training to identify employees’ strengths. Furthermore, resistance to change from either management or employees can lead to a failure of the strengths-based approach. This can result in unengaged and unhappy employees who may be unaware of their talents and unable to apply them effectively.

2. Prioritize Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory in Employee Engagement

According to Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, there are two categories of characteristics that contribute to whether or not a person is happy in their job: hygiene considerations and motivators. Salary, job security, and favorable working environment are all examples of hygiene factors. While their absence can cause dissatisfaction, having them around is not a guarantee of happiness or inspiration.

Employers can use this theory to determine which factors are contributing to dissatisfaction and take steps to address them, as well as identify and provide more motivators to increase engagement levels. Here are some ways employers can prioritize Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory:

  • Provide motivators such as recognition and growth opportunities to increase involvement and motivation;
  • Engage with employees, encourage feedback, and promote respect, inclusivity, and openness in the workplace.

However, there are some possible barriers to using this theory effectively. For example, it can be difficult to identify the specific hygiene factors and motivators that are important to the organization and each of the employees. Additionally, implementing changes to address these factors while maintaining budget and resource constraints can be challenging.

3. Conduct an Employee Engagement Survey

Conducting surveys regularly is an established method to measure satisfaction and identify deficiencies. However, to get valuable results from a survey, it is crucial to set its objectives beforehand. The questions and survey approach should be tailored to the areas of concern and the requirements and preferences of the organization and employees. Here are some steps to conduct an effective survey:

  • Define the objectives: Before creating the survey, the organization should set its goals. This will help them focus on relevant questions and data points;
  • Develop the survey questions: The organization’s goals should be established before the survey is even created. Having this information at their disposal will enable them to concentrate on the pertinent queries and data points;
  • Choose the right method: There are a variety of survey formats from which businesses can pick, including online, paper, and telephone. The selection of the survey should be guided by employee opinions and business requirements;
  • Ensure anonymity: Employees must be assured that their answers will be kept anonymous and secure to encourage them to be open in their opinions.This is often used in the educational process to assess and enhance learner engagement;
  • Communicate the survey purpose and timeline: Companies should inform employees why they’re being polled and give them a deadline.

Resistance from employees to participate, a lack of resources to conduct the survey, and a failure to take action based on the results are all potential roadblocks to administering a survey to measure employee or learner engagement.

4. Job Crafting

Job crafting is a technique that allows employees to have more control over their job responsibilities and tasks to increase dedication and job fulfillment. This method is also taken from the educational process, where it is a great way to increase learner engagement.

It involves a collaborative process between managers and employees to recognize areas for modification and improvement. This approach emphasizes the individual strengths and hobbies that can enhance work. To implement job crafting effectively, employers can take the following steps:

  • Allow employees to modify their job tasks: Employees might be given more freedom to work depending on their interests and skills. An employee who particularly enjoys writing, for instance, might be given an additional opportunity to put pen to paper in the form of reports or proposals;
  • Provide autonomy and decision-making power: Employees can be given more discretion in their day-to-day decision-making and task implementation. This can provide them with a better feeling of accountability and ownership;
  • Promote job resources: Resources like social support, feedback, and recognition can be encouraged by employers. The use of regular check-ins with management, peer feedback, and reward systems are all examples.

However, some difficulties in implementing job crafting may include a lack of flexibility in job tasks, resistance to change from management or employees, and a struggle to align their interests with organizational goals.

5. Measure Progress and Continuously Improve

Employee performance should be monitored regularly to assess project success. Think back to how it was when you were at school or university. Progress evaluations helped you understand the real state of things, and it also helped your mentors increase learner engagement. In business processes, it works in a similar way.

Consistently gauging development will allow businesses to adapt to employees’ evolving needs. These are some concrete methods that businesses can use to assess staff participation:

  • Administer surveys to gather feedback and track progress;
  • Setting measurable goals and monitoring progress towards those goals;
  • Tracking key performance indicators such as productivity and employee turnover;
  • Soliciting feedback through focus groups, suggestion boxes, or personal meetings.

This is a process that never ends and always needs modification. In order to build and maintain employee engagement over the long term, businesses should regularly assess the efficacy of their tactics and make necessary improvements.

However, due to the factors including a lack of resources for conducting surveys or obtaining feedback, opposition to change from management or staff, or a lack of skill in evaluating the data that is gathered, it can be hard to track progress.


Creating a thriving workplace requires businesses to prioritize building an environment that empowers and motivates employees. Engaged employees are crucial to the success of any company, as they boost morale and productivity.

However, implementing employee engagement strategies can be challenging due to obstacles like limited resources, resistance to change, and the difficulty of aligning employee interests with company goals. To ensure continued employee engagement, it’s important to regularly assess and adjust engagement techniques, as engagement is an ongoing process rather than a one-time event.