OnPoint Consulting Clients

Professional Services

Enhancing organizational and leadership development and strategy execution in the professional services sector.

From high potential leadership development programs to expert facilitation of senior team meetings, companies across industries partner with OnPoint to bring their strategies to life.

Our Professional Services Clients Include:




Cravath, Swaine & Moore

Weil, Gotshal & Manges

Wilson Elser

What Our Professional Services Clients are Saying…

"As head of HR for several professional services organizations, I and the employees Rick Lepsinger has worked with, have benefited greatly from the coaching, teaching, leadership and management experiences he has developed for each organizational challenge.  Rick brings the ability to improve execution because he listens and understands your strategies, he has the experience of working in matrix organizations so he knows the challenges of working for “many bosses” and, most importantly, he empowers your organizations to sustain the solutions you and he develop together."
Margaret M. Luberda
Chief Human Resources Officer
Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP