Managing Accountability in Virtual Teams

How to expect and get top performance from your virtual teams.

Managing accountability is a critical differentiator of an organization’s success. Within virtual teams, however, there are fewer opportunities to observe performance and coach employees who are not located under the same roof.

Leaders must be more intentional about their interactions with employees, providing frequent feedback and using technology to engage in face-to-face conversations.

Program for Managing Accountability in Virtual Teams

We offer a program to enhance accountability within a virtual environment. Our training is available in a variety of formats, including 90-minute instructor-led online programs or 30-minute self-directed eLearning program

Leaders will learn:

  • How to deal with the unique challenges of managing accountability in virtual teams
  • How to use two tools to hold employees accountable from a distance
  • Practical skills and techniques for effective coaching from a distance

Resources for Managing Accountability


Webinars Managing Accountability: Expecting and Getting Top Performance

Learn how to recognize and measure accountability, manage accountability more effectively and evaluate how well your team or organization is performing in this area.

Watch Now