Improving Accountability

Without accountability, a team cannot effectively execute its strategy.

Few people would disagree that holding others accountable is a critical success factor. Yet, despite this, many leaders and managers do not effectively manage accountability and ensure every member of their team brings their “A” game. This is especially true in a virtual setting where leaders must often hold people accountable who are in different locations.

Here are seven “excuses” we hear from managers failing to hold their virtual or co-located team members accountable:

  • “Things will get better if I wait out the storm.”
  • “It was obvious I was dissatisfied.”
  • “This isn’t worth arguing over.”
  • “My staff must know what I expect.”
  • “I don’t want to lose top performers.”
  • “I don’t want to be a micro-manager.”
  • “I’ll just do it myself. It’s easier that way.”

Do any of these excuses sound familiar? Improving the level of accountability among the members of your organization can lead to dramatic improvements in strategy execution.

Programs for Improving Accountability:

Enhancing Accountability — Managing a team is a lot like being an air traffic controller, and the acronym (ATC) explains the elements necessary for accountability. Effective managers take action and clearly define expectations, set realistic timetables and use checkpoints to keep everyone on track. This program is designed to help your managers practically apply these techniques and others.

High Performance Coaching, Delegating, Motivating and Inspiring This program is essential for leaders seeking to enhance accountability and execution with their teams.

Ready to get started improving accountability?

Learn more about our programs for improving accountability.

Contact OnPoint Consulting for a free consultation.

Resources for Improving Accountability: